PHP Countdown Demonstration

19 years and 122 days ago left until 2005 (New Year's).

18 years, 153 days, and 10 hours ago remaining until December 2005 (years, days, hours).

12 years ago remaining until August 14, 2012.

15 years, 122 days, 5 hours, and 50 minutes ago left until 4am on New Year's Eve 2008 (years, days, hours, minutes).

47 years and 313 days ago since Vietnam was unified [how script handles a point in the past] (years, days).

2 years, 114 days, 10 hours, 18 minutes, and 52 seconds ago until January 4, 2022 at 11:30pm and 43 seconds (years, days, hours, minutes, seconds).

13 years, 183 days, and 11 hours ago until October 31, 2010 at 12:01am (years, days, hours).

PHP Countdown 1.2.1