edmullen dot net
Abington schools logo
Abington, Pennsylvania


Please use this form to submit the information to the class database. You may re-submit the form at any time with corrections and/or additions.

PLEASE NOTE: Make sure my email address is not blocked by your spam filters if you want to continue to receive emails regarding our class. Thanks.

Fields denoted by * are required fields! Even if you do not want certain contact information to be published in the directory, we need it to be able to contact you. Use the radio buttons to indicate info you do not want to be published. If you omit required fields the form will NOT be sent!

The "Maiden Name" field is a required field and is pre-filled with "n/a" to accommodate the guys who seem terribly befuddled by the fact that they have no maiden name.

Ladies? I really DO need your maiden name if your current last name is not what it was when we were in high school. The database, the yearbook, and my brain all remember you that way.

Please complete all information and indicate (where appropriate) if you want it published in the directory or not. The default value for publication is "yes."


*Email address:

*First Name and Middle Initial:

*Maiden Name (if not applicable leave the default of "n/a":)

*Last Name:

Spouse's Name:

* Street Address:

* City:

* State:

* Zip Code:


Publish address?YesNo

These fields are optional but, hey, if you are bothering to fill out this form why would you not include a phone number? NOTE: Preferred format is: xxx-xxx-xxxx

Home Phone:

Work Phone:

Cell Phone:

Publish phones?YesNo

Publish email?YesNo

Children, Grandchildren and comments (feel free to brag or be witty):


Other: Hobbies, awards, achievements, rambles, philosophies or other comments and info you'd like to have appear in the Reunion Directory

PREVIOUS DIRECTORY ENTRIES - You can choose to keep previous directory information or remove it. If the information is outdated (childrens' ages, grade, etc.) and/or superceded by the new info, don't worry, I'll figure that out. PLEASE! Be careful about this one. If you're not sure what your current directory listing says then go and look it up online. If you don't know how, contact me.

Keep previous info Remove previous Info

This page last changed: Wednesday, December 31, 1969 - 07:00 PM USA Eastern Time

Copyright Ed Mullen | Contact Ed

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