MISCELLANEOUS HTML and "STUFF" - If you write HTML pages and use CSS you might find some of this interesting. Be sure to peruse the source code (View - Page Source or keyboard CTRL-U). I use this page as a reference so I can refer to it when I can't remember how I did something!!!
This page has an interesting effect on it. Scroll the page and keep your eye on the lower right corner.
And this is the same thing using a text div instead of an image.
Mozilla-based browsers can use extensions to the CSS spec. These only work in Mozilla-based browsers but shouldn't "break" a non-Mozilla browser.
I have some examples on this page.
Note - most of these Mozilla-specific CSS specs are now supported as standard CSS.
An example of this site's page template.
Some of this site's style sheets:
An example of using an inline CSS style.
<div style="margin: 0 0 0 25px;">An example of using an <i>inline CSS style</i>.</div>
This is an example of emphasized text using <em>
This is an example of italicized text using <i>
This is an example of STRONGLY emphasized text using <strong>
This is an example of bold text using <b>
This is an example of a relative link in a file in a sub-folder referring to another file in the SAME sub-folder - Backup Your Bookmarks File!!! (href="./moz_profile.php")
This is an example of a relative link in a file in a sub-folder referring to a file in the folder immediately ABOVE - HomePage (href="/index.php")
This is an internal link which jumps to the style sheet examples on this page (href="#int_link"). The link anchor can be named anything; I've named this one "int_link".
A static link (href="") doesn't go anywhere; it simply reloads the current page.
Special Characters (see source) - This group also uses the li.plain class in the default.css file
Styles from the site's default style sheet
class="fancy" - O Civili, Si Ergo. Fortibus Es In Ero. O Novili, Doser Nobus, Doser Trux. Vadis Inem, Causen Dux.
(note that this also contains "text transform" to UPPER CASE) - - O Civili, Si Ergo. Fortibus Es In Ero. O Novili, Doser Nobus, Doser Trux. Vadis Inem, Causen Dux.
- O Civili, Si Ergo. Fortibus Es In Ero. O Novili, Doser Nobus, Doser Trux. Vadis Inem, Causen Dux.
- O Civili, Si Ergo. Fortibus Es In Ero. O Novili, Doser Nobus, Doser Trux. Vadis Inem, Causen Dux.
- O Civili, Si Ergo. Fortibus Es In Ero. O Novili, Doser Nobus, Doser Trux. Vadis Inem, Causen Dux.
- O Civili, Si Ergo.
- O Civili, Si Ergo.
- O Civili, Si Ergo. Fortibus Es In Ero. O Novili, Doser Nobus, Doser Trux. Vadis Inem, Causen Dux.
- O Civili, Si Ergo. Fortibus Es In Ero. O Novili, Doser Nobus, Doser Trux. Vadis Inem, Causen Dux.
- text to 90% - O Civili, Si Ergo. Fortibus Es In Ero. O Novili, Doser Nobus, Doser Trux. Vadis Inem, Causen Dux.
div class="inall"
class="warning" - for inline text where the rest of the text/paragraph is NOT highlighted by this style - O Civili, Si Ergo. Fortibus Es In Ero. O Novili, Doser Nobus, Doser Trux. Vadis Inem, Causen Dux.
div id="warn2"
The following is a 100% horizontal rule
The following is a short (35%) horizontal rule (hr class="short")
The following is a medium (70%) horizontal rule (hr class="medium")
A paragraph (p class="boxplain") formatter
O Civili, Si Ergo. Fortibus Es In Ero. O Novili, Doser Nobus, Doser Trux. Vadis Inem, Causen Dux. Oh see, Willie! See 'er go. Forty busses in a row. Oh no, Wilie! Those are no busses, those are trucks. What is in 'em? Cows and ducks!
mozilla css3 extensions - Mozilla browsers (SeaMonkey and Firefox) can use various extensions to the CSS standard. This page has a few examples. Added note: With the advent of CSS3 the "moz" styles are now supported there.
This page last changed: Monday, August 29, 2016 - 11:21 AM USA Eastern Time
Copyright Ed Mullen | Contact Ed